The report highlights the company's sustainability performance for the period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. The report covers the information of China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited and all of its branches and subsidiaries. The report is compiled in accordance with the ESG Reporting Guide in Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as the ""HKEX ESG Reporting Guide""), including provisions on a ""comply or explain"" basis and mandatory disclosure requirements therein contained. The report is available in Chinese and English. The Chinese version shall always prevail in case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese version and its English translation.
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China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited 2022 ESG Report
Issuing Company China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 22.46 MB
No. of Pages 34 pages
Reporting periodJanuary 1, 2022-December 31, 2022
Report Edition7
Assurance Provider Unknown
Reporting Standards GRI; SASB; UNSDGs; others
Materiality Assessmenttrue