The report highlights Growthpoint's continued commitment to sustainability, including achieving a new minimum average NABERS energy rating target of 4.0 stars, setting a net zero emissions target for all properties by 2050, and strengthening its portfolio into property segments and geographies that will deliver Securityholders with the best long-term outcomes. The report also discusses the company's approach to risk management, including its focus on material risks and its commitment to diversity and equal opportunity. The report is accompanied by a GRI index that outlines the G4 Standard disclosures covered.
Issuing Company Growthpoint Properties Australia
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 7 MB
No. of Pages 68 pages
Reporting periodJuly 1, 2016-June 30, 2017
Report EditionUnknown
Assurance Provider WSP
Reporting Standards GRI; SASB
Materiality Assessmenttrue