The report is IPH's inaugural sustainability report and outlines the company's approach to sustainability across four key areas: good governance, our people, supporting our communities, and minimizing environmental impact. The report covers IPH's operations in the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. It references the Global Reporting Initiative and the UN Sustainability Goals, and details initiatives for the financial year 2019. The report also provides information on the company's future plans for sustainability reporting.
Issuing Company IPH Limited
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 3.33 MB
No. of Pages 22 pages
Reporting periodJuly 1, 2018-June 30, 2019
Report Edition1
Assurance Provider Unknown
Reporting Standards GRI; UNSDGs
Materiality Assessmenttrue