The report highlights Kordsa Global's second sustainability report, which reflects the company's economic, environmental and social performance in 2015. The report includes highlights on materiality assessment, stakeholder engagement, corporate governance, business ethics, economic performance, contributions to the economy, R&D and innovation, procurement and suppliers, customer privacy, social performance, labor practices and human rights management, training and education, occupational health and safety, environmental performance, energy and emissions management, materials management, waste management, water management, and biodiversity conservation.
Issuing Company Kordsa Teknik Tekstil AS
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 3.45 MB
No. of Pages 58 pages
Reporting periodJanuary 1st 2015 to December 31th 2015
Report Edition2
Assurance Provider Unknown
Reporting Standards GRI; UNGC; IFC's Performance Standards; others
Materiality Assessmenttrue