The report highlights Land O?Lakes, Inc.'s community impact activities in 2023. It focuses on three pillars: safe and plentiful food supply, sustainable futures, and vibrant communities. The report outlines the company's progress towards its 2030 goals, including reducing food waste, improving water usage efficiency, and increasing the use of renewable energy. It also highlights the company's efforts to strengthen rural communities, promote diversity and inclusion, and support employee well-being. The report includes a materiality assessment, which identifies the most important sustainability issues for the company and its stakeholders.
Issuing Company Land O'Lakes Inc.
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 46.13 MB
No. of Pages 66 pages
Reporting periodJanuary 1, 2023-December 31, 2023
Report EditionUnknown
Assurance Provider Unknown
Reporting Standards GRI
Materiality AssessmentTRUE