The report highlights Perseus' commitment to sustainable development in West Africa. The company has made significant progress in 2020, including achieving first gold pour at its third mine, Yaouré, ahead of schedule and under budget. The report also highlights the company's commitment to responsible gold mining, with a focus on worker health and safety, community engagement, and environmental protection. Perseus has also aligned its sustainability performance framework with the World Gold Council's Responsible Gold Mining Principles and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.
Issuing Company Perseus Mining Limited
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 14.61 MB
No. of Pages 128 pages
Reporting periodJanuary 1, 2020-December 31, 2020
Report Edition3
Assurance Provider KPMG
Reporting Standards GRI; SASB; UNSDGs; others
Materiality Assessmenttrue