The report details Puma Energy's performance over the year 2023, with a focus on their sustainability journey and commitment to ESG. The company highlighted key achievements, including a strengthened balance sheet, improved financial performance, a focus on safe and responsible operations, and the development of a diversified energy portfolio with a focus on lower carbon and renewable energy solutions. The report also outlines Puma Energy's commitment to its stakeholders, including employees, communities and governments, as well as its commitment to enhancing energy access and promoting economic and social development in the markets where they operate.
Issuing Company Puma Energy Supply and Trading Pte Ltd
Report Type Integrated Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 17.62 MB
No. of Pages 144 pages
Reporting periodJanuary 1, 2023-December 31, 2023
Report EditionUnknown
Assurance Provider ERM Certification and Verification Services Limited
Reporting Standards GRI; SASB; UNSDGs; others
Materiality AssessmentTRUE