The report highlights SingPost's commitment to building a sustainable future for the logistics industry through initiatives such as reducing carbon emissions, implementing responsible sourcing practices, and investing in its employees. The report outlines SingPost's net-zero goals for 2030 and 2050, its efforts to enhance resource efficiency and waste management, and its focus on creating a culture of trust and inclusivity within the workplace. The report also includes a comprehensive materiality assessment, showcasing the company's key ESG priorities and the approach taken to address them.
Issuing Company Singapore Post Ltd.
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 4.44 MB
No. of Pages 89 pages
Reporting periodApril 1, 2022-March 31, 2023
Report Edition6
Assurance Provider Unknown
Reporting Standards GRI 2021; TCFD
Materiality Assessmenttrue