The report highlights SP Group's commitment to sustainability and their efforts in reducing their environmental impact. It outlines their sustainability strategy and key initiatives like green financing, clean transportation, renewable energy, and customer empowerment. The report also focuses on their progress in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 7 and 9, particularly on energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and reliable infrastructure. SP Group has also implemented innovative initiatives such as the My Green Credits™™ platform and the Asset Health Digital Twin.
Issuing Company Singapore Power Limited
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 4.95 MB
No. of Pages 25 pages
Reporting periodApril 1, 2020-March 31, 2021
Report EditionUnknown
Assurance Provider Unknown
Reporting Standards GRI; SASB; UNSDGs
Materiality AssessmentTRUE