The report outlines the company's Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance, policies and practices during the 2021 calendar year. The report highlights the company's commitment to sustainable operations, focusing on initiatives such as the acquisition of a 50% interest in the Millennium and Mavis Downs Joint Venture, the commencement of the Isaac Downs Project and an agreement to acquire an 80% interest in BHP Mitsui Coal Pty Ltd joint venture. The report also includes information on the company's environmental performance, such as its greenhouse gas emissions and water management, as well as its social performance, including its community engagement and Indigenous engagement.
Issuing Company Stanmore Resources Limited
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 4.61 MB
No. of Pages 52 pages
Reporting periodJanuary 1, 2021-December 31, 2021
Report EditionUnknown
Assurance Provider Unknown
Reporting Standards GRI; UNSDGs
Materiality Assessmenttrue