The report highlights the company's commitment to sustainability through various initiatives, including precious metal recycling, use of LIMEX for recycling CSR reports, and a super-long-term vision towards 2085. The report details the company's environmental initiatives, such as CO2 emissions reduction and industrial waste reduction, and its commitment to community involvement, including support for local communities and participation in sports events. The report also showcases the company's efforts in human resource development, with a focus on a safer work environment and the promotion of health and well-being for employees.
Issuing Company Tanaka Holdings Co., Ltd.
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 5.19 MB
No. of Pages 18 pages
Reporting periodApril 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
Report EditionUnknown
Assurance Provider Sustainability Accounting Co., Ltd.
Reporting Standards ISO26000:2010; Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018
Materiality AssessmentTRUE