The report outlines voestalpine's commitment to sustainable development through a new Sustainability Strategy and highlights achievements in climate action, supply chain management, human resources, health & safety, compliance, and human rights. The company outlines its decarbonization efforts, including the greentec steel project and the development of green hydrogen technologies. The report also includes information on voestalpine's commitment to diversity, equal opportunity, and employee well-being, as well as its participation in various industry initiatives and advocacy organizations.
Issuing Company Voestalpine AG
Report Type Sustainability Report
Report Language EN
Report Filesize 4.25 MB
No. of Pages 132 pages
Reporting periodApril 1, 2020-March 31, 2021
Report Edition6
Assurance Provider Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Deloitte
Reporting Standards GRI; UNGC; NaDiVeG; others
Materiality Assessmenttrue